Soft, smooth, shiny and voluminous hair, the dream of many. Many of us make regular trips to the salon for maintenance on the hair colour, hair trims and hair treatments. All these for one simple reason, to look good and presentable. As much as hair care is important, one important part is often overlooked – our scalp. You may have heard so many times that chemical treatments are harmful for your hair, yet people are still doing it. Doing regular chemical treatments like straightening tend to be palliative. To have beautiful healthy hair, the first thing that you should do is to take care of your scalp.
Daily scalp care is relatively simple and easy as compared to a 10-step skincare routine. You just got to do it right! Let us break down the steps for you:
Step 1: Choose the right shampoo
Choose the right shampoo that caters for your hair and scalp type – Normal, Oily, Itchy, Dandruff etc. Check out Bee Choo Origin’s shampoo range to find the right one for yourself. Pay more attention to your scalp when shampooing as the roots are often the greasiest and tend to have residues from sebum and hair styling products.
Step 2: Condition your hair ends
Condition only on your hair ends. Conditioner are deeply nourishing and moisturizing and applying it on area near your scalp may clog your pores and cause your hair to turn greasier faster. It is also recommended to apply hair mask once a week for those who have dry or damaged hair.
Step 3: Apply hair tonic / ampoule
A hair (scalp) tonic is like your facial toner and moisturizer combined in a skincare routine. In other words, they are important. Tonics are used for daily maintenance as it provides daily essential nutrients for your scalp needed to regulate any issues that you’re experiencing while rebalancing the pH level and keeping it healthy. Check out Bee Choo Origin’s tonic range to find the right one for yourself.
Step 4: Regular Scalp Treatment
Apart from daily scalp care, you are strongly encouraged to visit the salon for a scalp treatment at least once a month. Just as you visit a clinic for facial, your scalp needs a deep cleansing and nutrient boost every month to stay in their best condition and to maintain a healthy hair in the long run. Trust us, your scalp will thank you.
Frequent use of styling products, excessive sebum, dandruff and the list go on. Theses causes residues build-up, resulting in clogged pores. While your daily scalp care routine does help with cleansing and maintenance, nothing beats a relaxing scalp treatment session done by a professional in the salon. At Bee Choo Origin, our Herbal Treatment uses only all-natural herbs and ingredients. It is effective in maintaining a healthy scalp and solving scalp issues such as Hair Loss, Dandruff, Itching, Oily scalp and more at an incredibly affordable price ranging from $40 – $78.
Our specially formulated Herbal Cream helps unclog pores, effectively removing residues on the scalp. It provides abundance of nutrients to tackle these issues while rebalancing its pH level so that your hair can grow in a nutrient-filled environment. It includes a 45 minutes steaming process which helps improve your blood circulation, while also opening up the pores for maximum absorption of the herbal goodness.