What causes postpartum hair loss?

Before we touch on postpartum hair loss, we will need to first understand the phases of normal hair growth cycle.

There are four phases within the hair growth cycle: Anagen, Catagen, Telogen, and Exogen. Each phase lasts for a different length of time:

  • Anagen (Growing Phase)

This phase lasts around 2-7 years, and it will determine our hair length.

  • Catagen (Regression Phase)

This phase lasts around 10 days, during this period hair follicles starts shrinking and detaches from blood supply.

  • Telogen (Resting Phase)

This phase lasts around 3 months, hair growth stops completely, and hair will rest in the root while new hair will begin growing beneath it.

  • Exogen (Shedding Phase)

The resting hairs detach and fall out.

What causes postpartum hair loss?

Many women tend to perceive that their hair is thicker during pregnancy especially from the second trimester onwards. However, the truth behind that perception is that women lose less hair during pregnancy as their hair’s growth phase lengthened due to the additional amount of estrogen produced by the placenta.

It is normal to lose about 50 – 100 hairs a day, while new moms might shed close to 300-400 hairs a day. By six months postpartum, the hair loss should return to pre-pregnancy amounts.

The period of hair loss during postpartum is dependent on these factors: hormonal fluctuations, baseline hair thickness, and the rate of hair loss. However, one’s hormones, stress, and malnutrition lifestyle can delay the glorious return of your hair health after pregnancy.

Is there treatment for postpartum hair loss?

While postpartum hair loss is completely natural, you might be able to help control it by taking multivitamins, stay well hydrated, avoid tight hairstyles, and get ample amount of sleep. Taking care of oneself and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very supportive in improving your hair’s growth cycle, but is there more you can do?

Give Bee Choo Origin Herbal Cream a try!

Made with all-natural herbs and ingredients, it is the perfect scalp treatment to improve your hair growth. It works by unclogging your pores and deliver nutrients into your scalp while rebalancing your hair’s pH level at the same time. Getting a treatment done also helps you to unwind and relax as stress is also a contributor to hair loss.